Puerto 8080 en ISA Server- WSPSRV
To change the 8080 port to another port please do the following
1-Open ISA Management console
2-go to configuration then networks
3- select Internal and double click on it
4- go to web proxy tab and change the port as you want
5- make sure that the new port is not used
6- Save the changes and restart the service
Este puerto lo usa Isa Server para el Proxy Web interno por defecto
Si ejecutamos NETSTAT -n -a veremos que el programa WSPSRV.exe esta escuchando en el puerto 8080 - con este metodo se elimina este puerto del ISA Serer
1-Open ISA Management console
2-go to configuration then networks
3- select Internal and double click on it
4- go to web proxy tab and change the port as you want
5- make sure that the new port is not used
6- Save the changes and restart the service
Este puerto lo usa Isa Server para el Proxy Web interno por defecto
Si ejecutamos NETSTAT -n -a veremos que el programa WSPSRV.exe esta escuchando en el puerto 8080 - con este metodo se elimina este puerto del ISA Serer